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Share love not secrets

Share love not secrets


Hi! Wat leuk dat je een kijkje neemt op mijn blog! Mijn nieuwe about pagina – over het ontstaan van deze blog | over mij (Marleen uit Amsterdam) – is een stuk persoonlijker geworden. Vind ik best een beetje spannend… Maar goed, ‘share love’ is tenslotte het uitgangspunt van deze blog. Daarom misschien niet zo gek om ook écht iets over mezelf te delen.
Eten = liefde | Eten delen = share love | goed eten = liefde voor jezelf = geluk.

Altijd_ijs_MarleenVisser_Share_Love_Not_SecretsLiefde voor lekker eten is mij met de paplepel ingegoten. Als kind wilde ik alles proeven wat mijn vader, een typische Bourgondiër, at. Mijn moeder kookte al vroeg wereldmaaltijden. Van haar spaghetti bolognese at ik steevast twee borden leeg… En het is nu niet dat ik altijd maar alles kon eten om in vorm te blijven. Nee dat niet. Sterker nog, ik moest er best op letten. Niet in de minste plaats voor mijn modellenwerk.

Fit to model

Vanaf mijn 14e startte ik met modellenwerk. Op mijn 19e, na het behalen van mijn propedeuse, vertrok ik richting Hong Kong, waar ik veel ben geweest. Daarna woonde ik in Bangkok (street food!!!), Barcelona (tapas el Borne…), Sydney (healthy deli’s) en Milaan (hello gelato!) Veel gezien en meegemaakt. Geweldige tijd. Geen seconde spijt van gehad! Het was niet in de minste plaats een fantastische kans om andere culturen te leren kennen, inclusief de bijzondere eetgewoonten.

Funny fact: toen ik ooit een paar maanden voor modellenwerk in Sydney was, at ik daar magnums (7 sins-serie) met op het stokje: “Share Love Not Ice Cream” Daar komt mijn blognaam oorspronkelijk vandaan.

Good food – good mood

Maar het leven gaat niet altijd over rozen… Enkele jaren later – ik was ondertussen niet meer fulltime model, maar afgestudeerd en werkte als freelancer voor o.a. een grote uitgever – was ik in een vrij serieuze depressie beland. Ík? depressiejQuery112408541180471948941_1496155478263? huh. Ja, ik: depressie… De "Do more of what makes you happy"depressie kwam zo’n twee-drie jaar na het overlijden van mijn vriend Jurriaan in 2008 (hierover schreef ik een blogsserie op Viva.nl – nu nog hier te vinden.). Hoewel ik medicatie geadviseerd kreeg, wilde ik het eerst zonder proberen. En dat hield voor mij in: leuke dingen doen, lekker eten, sporten en ‘time therapy’ (= het kost gewoon veel tijd en de nodige ups & downs). 

Ongeveer 1 1/2 jaar geleden, toen de depressie was nóg niet helemaal verleden tijd was, zag ik de quote: ‘Do more of what makes you happy’.
Het mag duidelijk zijn: ik had een heel goede reden om iets met deze quote te doen.


Mede door de quote kwam ik tot de conclusie: koken, daar word ik echt enorm blij van. Hallo: passie! Gezien ik veel met fotografie heb gedaan (ook achter de camera) en mijn bedrijf zich o.a. richt op website bouw, was het idee van deze blog snel ontstaan.

De start van Share Love Not Secrets en het einde van een moeilijke tijd. Iets wat ik zelf moest doen. Uiteraard met dank aan steun van familie en vrienden. Goed (lekker!) eten / goed voor mezelf zorgen, doen waar ik bij van word. Dit was voor mij het juiste recept om mezelf helemaal terug te vinden.

Wat voor blog is dit dan? Een stress-free food blog

Op deze blog vind je de meest uiteenlopende recepten: zoete, hartige, met suiker, zonder suiker, met gluten, zonder gluten, vegan, non-vegan etc. Ik vind het leuk om verschillende dingen uit te proberen. Je hoort tegenwoordig steeds vaker over intoleranties voor bepaalde voedingstoffen. Ik denk dat het een goede ontwikkeling is dat steeds meer mensen onderzoeken wat goed/slecht is voor hun
Zelf houd ik de volgende principes aan: puur, gebalanceerd en genieten van álles wat je eet/drinkt. Dit is voor mij de juiste mix & stress free. Verder heb ik enkele juice pulp recepten ontwikkeld! Dus als je juiced: bekijk de Juicy Lifestyle pagina!

Deze blog gaat over lekker eten van pure, natuurlijke ingrediënten uit het seizoen.

Ik hoop je hiermee te inspireren om vooral heel veel te doen waarvan je blij wordt.


UPDATE: Ik maakte ondertussen mijn eerste kookboek ‘Altijd ijs’, waarvoor de de receptontwikkeling, styling en fotografie heb gedaan. Super trots op! Zie hier een impressie:



Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog! My new ‘about’ page (about how I started this blog & about me) has become a bit more personal… A little scary, to be honest … Anyway, ‘share love’ was the starting point of this blog, so it is perhaps not so crazy to share something about myself. Food = Love | share food = share love | good food = love for yourself = happiness.

Altijd_ijs_MarleenVisser_Share_Love_Not_SecretsMy name is Marleen, live in Amsterdam and as far back as I can remember, I’ve been a food lover. As a child, I wanted to try everything that my father, a typical Burgundian, ate. My mother cooked meals from all around world. I would regularly eat two plates of her spaghetti bolognese. It’s not that I was lucky enough to be able to just eat anything I wanted and stay in shape. On the contrary, I had to be a little careful, especially considering the modelling work I was doing.

Fit to model

When I was 14 years old, I started modelling. On my 19th birthday, after completing my first year studying, I left home for Hong Kong, where I spent a lot of time. After this first adventrure, I lived in Bangkok (street food!!!), Barcelona (tapas el Borne …), Sydney (healthy delis) and Milano (hello gelato!) It was an amazing time, filled with so many good experiences. I don’t regret this period for a second. It was most certainly a fantastic and interesting opportunity, to get to know other cultures and countries, including their particular eating habits.

Funny fact: when I was in Sydney for modelling a few months, I discovered the magnum 7 sins series. On the wooden stick it said: “Share Love Not Ice Cream”. This is the origin of my blog name.  At the time, I had no idea I’d make an ice cream cookbook. 

Good food – positive mood

Yet, life is not always a bed of roses… A few years later, and no longer a full-time model, I had by then graduated and worked as a freelancer for a major Finnish publisher, before finally starting my own company. I found myself in a pretty serious state of depression. Me?Depressed?! Huh? Yes, me, depressed… This depression came about two to three years after the death of my boyfriend Jurriaan in 2008. (I actually went on to write a blog series about this on viva.nl, you can still read it here – for the Dutch readers). Although, I was advised to start"Do more of what makes you happy" medication, I first wanted to try feeling better without it. I tried doing fun stuff, enjoying good food, playing sports and took ‘therapy time’ (meaning, it just takes time + ups and downs).  About one and a half years ago, still in the clutches of depression, I saw the quote: ‘Do more of what makes you happy’.
It’s pretty clear, right? So, I had a good reason to do more of what made me happy.


I came to the conclusion: cooking makes me so happy. Hello passion! Considering that I had done a lot of photography in the past (yes, also behind the camera) and that my company is focused on website development, it didn’t take long before the idea of this blog was born.

This prompted the start of ‘Share Love Not Secrets’ and the end of a difficult time. It was something I had to do by myself. Of course, I had support from my family and friends, but I had good (yummy!) food, I was taking care of myself, and doing what made me happy. This was the perfect recipe to find my way back to myself.


This blog is about delicious food. You will find a wide variety of recipes: sweet, savory, with sugar, without sugar, with gluten, and gluten-free. I like to try different things. You hear more and more about intolerances to certain ingredients… I think it’s a good that more and more people are discovering what is good/bad for their body.

Personally, I like to follow these principles: cook as pure as possible, cook (eat) well-balanced meals and enjoy everything you eat or drink. For me, this is the right mix and stress-free. I am also pretty busy with no waste juice pulp recipes nowadays! So, if you’re a juicer, do keep an eye on the ‘Juicy Lifestyle‘ page!

So, this blog is about delicious food. About food that makes you happy. And guess what else is super healthy? That’s right: happiness!

I hope this inspires you to do more of what makes you happy and, of course, I hope to inspire you with many good recipes.

Share love,

UPDATE: See here a sneakpeek of my first cookbook ‘Altijd ijs’. It’s now awarded for 3rd best of the world in the category single subject – Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Woohooo!


Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog! My new ‘about’ page (about how I started this blog & about me) has become a bit more personal… A little scary, to be honest … Anyway, ‘share love’ was the starting point of this blog, so it is perhaps not so crazy to share something about myself. Food = Love | share food = share love | good food = love for yourself = happiness.

Altijd_ijs_MarleenVisser_Share_Love_Not_SecretsMy name is Marleen, live in Amsterdam and as far back as I can remember, I’ve been a food lover. As a child, I wanted to try everything that my father, a typical Burgundian, ate. My mother cooked meals from all around world. I would regularly eat two plates of her spaghetti bolognese. It’s not that I was lucky enough to be able to just eat anything I wanted and stay in shape. On the contrary, I had to be a little careful, especially considering the modelling work I was doing.

Fit to model

When I was 14 years old, I started modelling. On my 19th birthday, after completing my first year studying, I left home for Hong Kong, where I spent a lot of time. After this first adventrure, I lived in Bangkok (street food!!!), Barcelona (tapas el Borne …), Sydney (healthy delis) and Milano (hello gelato!) It was an amazing time, filled with so many good experiences. I don’t regret this period for a second. It was most certainly a fantastic and interesting opportunity, to get to know other cultures and countries, including their particular eating habits.

Funny fact: when I was in Sydney for modelling a few months, I discovered the magnum 7 sins series. On the wooden stick it said: “Share Love Not Ice Cream”. This is the origin of my blog name.  At the time, I had no idea I’d make an ice cream cookbook. 

Good food – positive mood

Yet, life is not always a bed of roses… A few years later, and no longer a full-time model, I had by then graduated and worked as a freelancer for a major Finnish publisher, before finally starting my own company. I found myself in a pretty serious state of depression. Me?Depressed?! Huh? Yes, me, depressed… This depression came about two to three years after the death of my boyfriend Jurriaan in 2008. (I actually went on to write a blog series about this on viva.nl, you can still read it here – for the Dutch readers). Although, I was advised to start"Do more of what makes you happy" medication, I first wanted to try feeling better without it. I tried doing fun stuff, enjoying good food, playing sports and took ‘therapy time’ (meaning, it just takes time + ups and downs).  About one and a half years ago, still in the clutches of depression, I saw the quote: ‘Do more of what makes you happy’.
It’s pretty clear, right? So, I had a good reason to do more of what made me happy.


I came to the conclusion: cooking makes me so happy. Hello passion! Considering that I had done a lot of photography in the past (yes, also behind the camera) and that my company is focused on website development, it didn’t take long before the idea of this blog was born.

This prompted the start of ‘Share Love Not Secrets’ and the end of a difficult time. It was something I had to do by myself. Of course, I had support from my family and friends, but I had good (yummy!) food, I was taking care of myself, and doing what made me happy. This was the perfect recipe to find my way back to myself.


This blog is about delicious food. You will find a wide variety of recipes: sweet, savory, with sugar, without sugar, with gluten, and gluten-free. I like to try different things. You hear more and more about intolerances to certain ingredients… I think it’s a good that more and more people are discovering what is good/bad for their body.

Personally, I like to follow these principles: cook as pure as possible, cook (eat) well-balanced meals and enjoy everything you eat or drink. For me, this is the right mix and stress-free. I am also pretty busy with juice pulp recipes nowadays! So, if you’re a juicer, do keep an eye on the ‘Juicy Lifestyle‘ page!

So, this blog is about delicious food. About food that makes you happy. And guess what else is super healthy? That’s right: happiness!

I hope this inspires you to do more of what makes you happy and, of course, I hope to inspire you with many good recipes.

Share love,

UPDATE: See here a sneakpeek of my first cookbook ‘Altijd ijs’. It’s now awarded for 3rd best of the world in the category single subject – Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Woohooo!


Comments: 2

  • someone

    November 21, 2014

    Hi Marleen, love the redesign of you blog. It has a very nice personal touch.

    Keep well & keep sharing

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