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Pulp recipe | Carrot pulp breakfastmuffins with frosting

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You can use grated carrot in case you don’t have carrot pulp!


It’s the first time I participate in the Food blog swap of a group Dutch food bloggers. I heard about it before, but didn’t exactly know how it works. Bluntly: the idea is that bloggers make something from each others blog and change at least one ingredient from the recipe. I recently met Sophie, from foodblog Etenmaken, she told me more about it and introduced me to the ‘swappers’. Thanks Sophie!

In between

Hopefully I have some more time next month. The past week was a mad house!!! Worked till super late (and I mean lååaáååéáåaáååéát … anyone who wants to give me a massage ?? – and if I make typos … I need a nap ..) I dealt with a few big huge deadlines. Including the website for photographerSonja Velda. Happy client 🙂 And other web productions… So I didn’t blog much, but of course hád to food-blog-swap! So here it is! I made these yummie carrot pulp breakfast muffins!

Food Blog Swap Debut

The recipe comes from Culi Sandra. Quite difficult to make a choice from her blog, so much good stuff. I could not resist and certainly not during my food blog swop-debut, using pulp, carrot pulp. What else;). The base is a very good recipe, so I didn’t change much. Added a few dates and left out the dried apricots. They are so good … I think I’ll make a new batch this weekend!

Lime Frosting!

OH YES And…. the FROSTING… OMG… Super happy about this frosting/icing mix I made. It’s super easy + nice and lime-fresh. Love it!!!

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